Japanese Spitz a dog that can function as pet and guard dog
The first serious dog bite I have received as a veterinarian is from a Japanese Spitz. We had this client that has an aggressive Japanese Spitz that was always difficult to handle. The dog when agitated will bite both the owner while trying to calm him down. I underestimated that dog but I had no fear for dogs even when dogs bite. I always try to forgive them because they are only suspicious and not meaning to harm anyone. The dog, white in color, with think spiky fur gave me a sharp bite on my right hand, on the skin between my thumb and the second finger. He was ready to give me another bite before we eventually got things under control.
Despite the bite, the owner said lovely things about the dog and made us to wonder. Further into my journey into the veterinary practice I came across several dogs of this breed both at the clinic and during home services and the trait of these dogs being good security dogs was very clear to me. I can trust a Japanese Spitz to protect a place more than I can trust most Mastiffs.
Japanese Spitz might have similarities to Caucasians in aggression and probably the German shepherd dog but can be very nice to members of the household. I currently own a Japanese spitz and having handled the Samoyed and other Spitz I can say that that group of dogs have a common attribute of aggression towards intruders and also towards other dogs that “charge†for them. One thing I noticed with Japanese Spitz is that they function more effectively for security in groups. One Japanese Spitz dog might try to attack an intruder while showing some signs of caution but when in group they can be dangerous and can hardly be stopped. They can bark for hours nonstop.
Japanese Spitz might tolerate a stranger because the owner welcomes him but that stranger should also respect the fact that he (the dog) might not be cool with him (the Stranger).
Despite the fact that this breed can be loud and violent they can also be very lovely pets. They can enjoy touches from their owners and handlers – friends also. Japanese Spitz have a way of making friends from strangers especially those that have shown that they are not afraid of them. They might test you by attempting to bite your feet severally, if you try to ignore them they will eventually start liking you but will give you distance first before coming close to you for friendship.
Japanese Spitz are very tricky dogs to handle and to keep but when you live with them for a while you will get to understand them. You may never prefer other breeds to them anymore for this purpose. Their stubbornness is somewhat interesting to live with.
So when you want a dog that can serve dual purpose as guard and pet consider this breed. Don’t look at their size because they don’t believe they are small.
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