How to teach your dog to answer to his name easily

By Coker Mark, | January 8th, 2018

This article and others to come are going to be on how to train your dog. We all like dogs, sometimes the only problem is not communicating well with them but I assure you, with the tips I’m going to be giving in these articles – please also tell me if you want the articles weekly or so – should be able to help you understand and communicate with your dog better.

Today, I’m only going to be teaching you how to make your dog recognize its name, why don’t we say his? Remember we are talking about our loyal companion. With “it” it’s easier to teach your dog other instructions and communicate better.

The first step is choosing a name for your dog. I recommend that your pick a name that is easy to pronounce, a name your dog can easily differentiate from other names, for example, I call my dogs REX and SCOTT, and they both can differentiate when I’m calling either. Smart dogs aren’t they? Other good examples include JACK, STONE, LALI, TESSY etc.

After you choose a good name for your dog, a good name is important, I remember a dog named Stone, apparently this cute Rott went around the neighborhood “stoning the female dogs” ( I won’t say bitch, it sounds offensive to me). Whenever you want to feed your dog, call him by name first, when he comes to you, give him his food, keep doing this and with time, your handsome furry companion would learn to recognize his name.

Thank you for reading through, please tell me your thoughts and corrections in the comments section.

  1. Damilola January 8th, 2018
  2. King Suleiman January 9th, 2018
    • King Suleiman July 13th, 2021
  3. Ginika January 10th, 2018

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Coker Mark,

Mark is a young dog lover and writer who wants to be referred to as "Dog Whisperer". He is currently a student of law in the University of Lagos, Nigeria. He owns dogs and loves to discover things concerning them especially pertaining training them.

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