Monster dogs you can find in Nigeria

By Kodichukwu Okonkwo, DVM | January 13th, 2016

One of the main reasons why people own dogs in Nigeria is to make others scared of breaking into their homes unnecessarily. This informs the craze for ugly and fierce looking creatures in the canine world as pets and guards. These monster dogs have gained a lot of popularity even when they may not possess aggressive qualities. 

A novice once came to the clinic and asked if we can help him source for a Neapolitan mastiff and added that he heard that they are very aggressive and dangerous dogs with ugly face. I quickly agreed with him but tried to inquire on why he wanted the dog, he told me how his home was burgled the previous day even when there were German shepherd dogs in his compound as guards.  

Are these monster dogs really aggressive and dangerous? The answer is –it depends. Any of the monster dogs will become aggressive and dangerous if made to be that way. Conversely they can also be very accommodating due to training and socialization given to them. Let me stress that you cannot remove the instinct in dogs to be DOGS. It is important to note that some natural instincts of some dog breeds are usually very difficult to remove however you try to train them.

Let us go through the monster dogs Nigerians love to keep.


This breed is not the most monstrous looking but it’s the number one choice for aggression. Most Nigerians dare this breed due to several stories of dog bite from this breed in the country. It has been the most popularly feared dog in Nigeria.

Bull Mastiff

This breed is relatively unpopular compared to the Rottweiler.  However, the size and energy possessed by this breed is so huge that an attack from this dog can be disastrous. Being monstrous is not an attribute I will give this breed with much emphasis.

Neapolitan Mastiff

This is one of the ugliest and monstrous looking dogs that are gaining popularity by the day here in Nigeria. Am sorry, but if this dog sees you as an intruder and goes out for you, you may have to thank God when you survive an encounter with it. The weight and stamina will be a thing to contend with.


This South African breed is another dog comparable to the Bull Mastiff in popularity in Nigeria. If you love the Bull mastiff breed it will be easy for you to also have some love for it. These breed is a very unpredictable breed by my own evaluation. From my own experience they can be playful as puppies and might be dangerous in comparism to the Rottweiler.

Cane Corso

There is a great confusion between Neapolitan Mastiffs and Cane corso in Nigeria. Many Nigerians assume them to be the same and many go ahead to breed the both as the same. This muscular and powerful breed with high level energy is another dog to be cautious about. This breed is for experienced dog owners.

English Bull dog

This breed of dog might be small but weighs a lot with very monstrous face compared to all the dogs previously mentioned. They are not as popular as all the other dogs, the people I have seen that own this breed are people I will call “dog addicts” as in –die hard dog lovers. These people go as far as importing these dogs. Aggression is not an attribute I know this dog with – I stand to be corrected.


This short snouted dog is another very rare breed in Nigeria. They are mainly owned by expatriates and Nigerians that lived abroad for a long time. They have a facial conformation that is not far from being monstrous not necessarily aggressive.

Great Dane

This giant dog has mastiff face which qualifies it to be grouped here. This dog is very rare in Nigeria and kept by people who might never keep any other breed of dog.  This group of dog owner love giant dogs specifically.

Tibetan Mastiff

This very hairy and massive dog has recently found its way into the country and owned by people who love to keep variety of dogs. I cannot say much about this dog because it’s very rare in Nigeria. 

In conclusion

I have only enumerated dogs with scary face and body conformation and can make a newbie very scared. I once witnessed a fight between two guys and one of them shouted to the other – SEE YOUR FACE LIKE BULL MASTIFF!!! I guess you understand…hahaha! 


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    Kodichukwu Okonkwo, DVM

    Founder of Fairvet Animal Clinic Ltd since 2011, studied at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He is well experienced in small animal, large animal & poultry medicine, and also skilled at zoo medicine. He loves animals and builds both professional and personal relationship with pet owners in order to sustain a good interaction with pet and animal owners, coupled with His great skills in programming; he brought about which he personally built from scratch.

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