Have you ever been to a house where it was boldly written on the gate ‘beware of dogs’? Have you ever had to call your friend, a family member or someone to guide you into a house because you can hear dogs barking from inside the compound? Have you ever wanted to buy a dog and your spouses or children bluntly oppose the very idea? Have you ever sent a little girl to your house and she came back crying saying she can’t because you have dogs?
Maybe there have been times you’ve had to go out to meet your delivery man because your dog wouldn’t just allow him into the compound or maybe you have a cousin who was bitten by a rabies-infected dog or just maybe all you know about dogs are what you get from movies, cartoons and documentaries. If you answered yes to any of these questions or can relate to any of the events then there are two things that could be said about you-You either love dogs or you fear them! Now if you love dogs and aren’t scared of them kudos to you, this article is not for you but if fear dogs and don’t want them around, sit tight and read on.
The fear of dogs is quite understandable because they bark and bite. Just the sight of an ugly looking Bull dog, the gigantic Great Dane, an aggressive Rottweiler, a pestering German shepherd or the incessant barking of the Caucasian dog is enough to instill terror. However, you don’t have to fear dogs; dogs are lovely, friendly and loyal companions to men for centuries now. There are several types of dogs that the moment you see them, you don’t want to leave them because they are so attractive, fun to play with and useful in many dimensions.
Dogs can sense if you are scared, they are really good at this. When approaching a new dog, you can do lips licking or simply stare away from the dog. These make the dog feel that you are not a threat. The moment you have achieved this, you can then start to build confidence. If you love dogs yet fear them, you can simply consult your vet Doctor who can advise you on how to train your dog or advise you about the right kind of dog to buy to suit your needs.
Owning a dog has to be purposeful. Before owning a dog, you have to know why you want a dog. Do you want a dog that can scare away thieves or guard your compound, do you want a dog as a toy-pet, or maybe a sport dog, a working dog or simply an aesthetic dog. For whatever purpose you want, different trainings and requirements are needed, bear in mind that dogs just like human beings are specialized mammals and they learn and adapt quickly.
If you are a dog owner and you have a very aggressive dog, it is best for everyone if you cage the dog or put your dog on a leash whenever you have visitors in the house. If you do not want your dog to be aggressive then you have to first buy dogs famous for their friendliness, and second train your dog to be friendly. If you approach a dog with confidence, love and understanding, what you will get is a dog that treats you with reciprocity. On a light note now, whenever you see the sign “beware of dogsâ€, you should really tread carefully, it is always better to be safe than sorry and in playing safe, your vet doctor is your safest bet.
Well done man...u getting to know more about dogs is fascinating.. Well m going to hold on to your advice on dogs...maybe someday will be getting one for myself..#BewareOfDogs
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Good job bro. I love ur article (Y)
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