2024 A frightening Year to Maintain a Dog in Nigeria

By Kodichukwu Okonkwo, DVM | January 31st, 2024

Dog ownership has become very necessary and yet very frightening in 2024 here in Nigeria. The Nigerian economy has been brought to it's knees due to the world economic outlook and some internal mismanagement going on among the financial managers of the Nigerian economy.

Nigerians are struggling with the removal of fuel subsidy and the floating of the currency to reflect the actual value and this has brought a very high inflation of all commodities & services. Dog food and other products needed to maintain dogs are so expensive and out of reach to many. It's so bad that you can't predict the price of anything in the market because everything is going up daily.

The rise in insecurity has also made it compulsory to own dogs thus putting prospective dog owners in a deep dilemma. Some people who have refused to keep dogs especially, people living in some vulnerable areas are now getting dogs even against their will, either because their premises have been invaded or their neighbor's home was broken into.

Within just 10 years a tin or can of dog food rose from 250 naira to 2000 naira which is almost 1000 percent and most people's incomes are struggling or staggering. The price of alternative feeding for the dogs is also on the rise in the same manner making it a very precarious situation.

As we pray that our leaders find solutions to this problem fast we just have to make do with our meager resources to be able to acquire and maintain these dogs because they are needed at this time in every home for security.

  1. Malorie July 4th, 2024

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Kodichukwu Okonkwo, DVM

Founder of Fairvet Animal Clinic Ltd since 2011, studied at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He is well experienced in small animal, large animal & poultry medicine, and also skilled at zoo medicine. He loves animals and builds both professional and personal relationship with pet owners in order to sustain a good interaction with pet and animal owners, coupled with His great skills in programming; he brought about www.fairvet.com which he personally built from scratch.

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